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Pay As You Go! 8 Week Meditation Class

Balancing Chakras fo beginners pay as you participate

  • 1 hour 30 minutes
  • 50 US dollars
  • East Joppa Road

Service Description

This option allows you to make payments as you take each session, instead of paying in full. This course will still begin with the 8 week chakra healing course. Each week you will make a payment and join the course from the root chakra to the crown. This is an amazing start or rebalance in your self healing journey. This 8 week Chakra course allows you to invest the time needed into yourself to heal and advance to the highest level potential of yourself. This course is designed to remove blockages, and optimize your knowledge on balancing your own energy in order to awaken and align your mind, body, and soul with your divine purpose. You will indulge in 8 rejuvenating relaxing Chakra Sessions. One intro session and the following sessions focusing on one of the 7 main chakra energies, one week at a time. You will end with the Crown chakra. With your committment you will complete your course with precise knowledge on healing, the chakra system and a better ubderstanding of self. We'll focus on learning, opening, balancing, and gaining energy healing skills through each chakra session, meditation, and sound bathing. You'll leave feeling relaxed and balanced. Each session includes a friendly introduction and refreshments, with an optional short energy read. This is a group course. A self healing experience you'll love cherish, and remember for life!

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule call or send a text to 443-707-8661

Contact Details

  • 2160 East Joppa Road, Parkville, MD, USA


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